Doug Lindsay



What Doug Does:

I help complex chronic illness clients who are stuck in the medical system to get unstuck.



 Doug's Journey

When CNN summed up Doug’s life as a headline it read “This college dropout was bedridden for 11 years. Then he invented a surgery and cured himself.”

Of course, once better Doug went back to school and finished his degree. Now, he helps others with rare, complex, or undiagnosed illnesses.

If you want to learn more about Doug’s story, this article was CNN’s top online story of the year:

Read Article on CNN


How Does Doug Help Clients?

People want to work with Doug because they’ve seen smart doctors and even called in favors, but they feel they’re no closer to answers, to treatments, or to health.

Is that your situation? if so…

What is the medical community’s Plan B for you?

Truth is, they don’t have one.

So, if seeing smart doctors at good hospitals hasn’t don the trick, then what is your Plan B?

Doug specializes in helping people get unstuck.

How does Doug help get people unstuck?

Doug spends orders of magnitude more time on a client’s case than a doctor will. He reads and learns new things that he did not know when you met him to tackle your case. Doctors, on the other hand, rarely do homework on individual patients’ cases.

Doug uses the tools of a scientist and a journalist to help you tell your story, help you understand complex information, and help you find what’s been missing from your care up to this point.

And Doug helps you find the doctors you need, get data you can rely on, and build partnerships where you and he work with those doctors together to get results that you haven’t gotten before.

Personal Medical Consulting

Work with Doug in an in-depth, year-long engagement. Doug has room for a handful of clients – currently 3 spots available. Inquire with the form below.


Contact Form


Learn More about Doug

When I realized the medical system didn’t have a plan for me or my family, I made one for us.

Read Doug’s Story



I have two questions for you:

1: What do you do when you get a diagnosis?

2: What one thing could you change to be better heard by your doctors?

Watch Doug address these topics at this panel discussion: